Handling Rejection — What's your Take?

What best mechanism do you employ in dealing with rejection? What and what do you do to easily move on from such?

Yeah, I had to ask this because these few days have not been that smooth for me. Most at times, the news often came at the wrong time. While I have moved on from the ones of the past days, tonight's own was really exhausting.


It came at a time when my vibe was high. Like, I was all smiling while discussing with my brother, when I suddenly opened my email, and there it was! It was a shocker, like my brother noticed, as my all-smiling face and mood suddenly changed to something scary.

He asked, I was about to tell him when I noticed that it was a rejection instead of an invitation. At first sight of the mail, the first paragraph was all adoring, so I thought it was an invitation but looking down to the second paragraph, I realised it was just the conventional format of breaking bad news, so I withheld the news at that point of realising.

Initially I thought it's something I can just absorb and move on, but for some time now I have not been able to. Because I was so confident about the submission I made.

Not knowing what to do, I became unstabilised. However, since joining the Hive Blockchain, writing has been a way of easing tension and enhancing positivity whenever unfavorable events like this happen.

So, on picking my phone, a thought came to my mind that I should let it out in writing. I feel by doing this, the suggestion/recommendations by other significant figures in this community, could go a long way in conveying other effective mechanisms of dealing with rejection and depression on a macro-scale.


While writing this post, I feel very relieved. Feel better than I felt at the beginning of this write-up. Guess that's a good sign that opening up in writing or maybe speaking to someone, is an effective way of dealing with rejection.

Like I said earlier, the suggestions/recommendations of anyone would really be appreciated. I just wanna get a better way of dealing with this, not just for me but for others going through the same challenge. So kindly air your view in the comment section. Can't wait to learn from the wonderful personalities in this community.

Thanks for your compliance. Await your comments.

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