Music to remember || Cover Limosnero de amor / Love almsman Javier Solís by @cesarc


Hola amigos de #hive espero estén bien teniendo una semana maravillosa y disfrutando de buenos momentos familiares así como yo lo he hecho sin excederme tanto, tomé un tiempo de mi vida para grabar este hermoso tema del Javier Solís que tanto me gustó y hoy se los presento, espero les guste y tengan un día excepcional, se me cuidan.

Hello friends of #hive I hope you are well having a wonderful week and enjoying good family moments just as I have done without overdoing myself so much, I took some time of my life to record this beautiful song by Javier Solís that I liked so much and today I know it. I present, I hope you like it and have an exceptional day, they take care of me.


Javier Solís

Limosnero de amor

Limosnero de amor me llaman
Limosnero de amor yo soy
Fuiste muy canalla
Al abandonarme
Y tus labios mintieron
Cuando a mí me dijeron
Sólo soy para ti
Implorando tu amor me dejas
Ya no puedo vivir sin ti
Te llevaste todo
Me dejaste solo
Desde entonces me llaman
Desde entonces me llaman
Limosnero de amor
Te llevaste todo
Me dejaste solo
Desde entonces me llaman
Desde entonces me llaman
Limosnero de amor.

Javier Solís

Love almsman

They call me almsman of love
Alimonero of love I am
You were very rogue
By abandoning me
And your lips lied
When they told me
I am only for you
Imploring your love you leave me
I can not live without you
You took everything
You left me alone
Since then they call me
Since then they call me
Love almsman
You took everything
You left me alone
Since then they call me
Since then they call me
Altar of love.


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