Music in the hive || Cover No lo puedes negar / You can not deny it Ruby Márquez by @cesarc


Hola que tal mis hijos de #hive espero estén pasandola de lo mas rico, yo siempre fiel a lo que me encanta hacer que es seguir haciendo arte y disfrutando de lo mas hermoso que nos trae el mundo que es la música me encanta cantar y por eso hoy les traigo un tema de Rudy Márquez para que lo disfruten, me encanta este tema, se me cuidan muchachos.

Hello, how are my children from #hive, I hope they are having a great time, I am always faithful to what I love to do, which is to continue making art and enjoying the most beautiful things that the world brings us, which is music, I love to sing and for that today I bring you a song by Rudy Márquez so you can enjoy it, I love this song, guys take care of me.


Rudy Márquez

No lo puedes negar

Que yo te he dado todo lo que tengo, no lo puedes negar
Que he renunciado a todo por poderte amar no lo puedes negar
Puedes decir que alguna vez me equivoque eso si puede ser
Pero que no te ame no lo digas jamas.
Que no hubo dia triste en nuestro caminar no lo puedes negar
Que te llene la vida de felicidad no lo puedes negar
Que no hubo noche desolada por que mis brazos de aguardaban
Que fui tu sombra y fui tu guia que te he querido de verdad.
No lo puedes negar, no lo puedes negar
Y aunque empieces a odiarme no lo puedes negar.
Que yo te he dado todo lo que tengo y mas no lo puedes negar
Que te llene la vida de felicidad no lo puedes negar
Que no hubo noche desolada por que mis brazos te aguardaban
Que fui tu sombre y fui tu guia que te he querido de verdad.
No lo puedes negar, no lo puedes negar
Y aunque empieces a odiarme no lo puedes negar

Rudy Márquez

You can not deny it

That I have given you everything I have, you cannot deny it
That I have renounced everything to be able to love you, you cannot deny it
You can say that I was ever wrong that if it can be
But that I don't love you, don't say it ever.
That there was no sad day in our walk, you cannot deny it
May your life fill you with happiness, you cannot deny it
That there was no desolate night because my arms were waiting
That I was your shadow and I was your guide that I really loved you.
You can't deny it, you can't deny it
And even if you start to hate me, you can't deny it.
That I have given you everything I have and more you cannot deny
May your life fill you with happiness, you cannot deny it
That there was no desolate night because my arms were waiting for you
That I was your shadow and I was your guide that I have really loved you.
You can't deny it, you can't deny it
And even if you start to hate me, you can't deny it

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