Loving A Tiny Wee Audience...

by @clareartista on The Art of Life
View my bio on CastGarden: https://cast.garden/c/theartoflife Loving A Tiny Wee Audience...

Dear Friend!

Here is another free-flowing deep-dive, this time into the reality of having a small-but-perfectly-formed audience, having been through recent years' upheavals.

Most of us who have found our way to the decentralised world, have done so because of feeling unwelcome or uncomfortable in some way in the mainstream- and most of us have gone through some process or other of isolation and of having to start anew.

Here I'm speaking to how we can navigate out of the 'hungry ghost' mentality that consumerism has conditioned so thoroughly into us - our unconscious programming to be seeking always more fame and bigger audiences - how we can truly appreciate what it is to simply plant the seeds we are here to plant, in terrain in which we find ourselves- and let them Be. Great Spirit and the Intelligent Universe will decide when and where which seeds should flourish; we should just be getting on with the good work of fully realising our creativity.

This is podcast number three from my new series, sharing through Hive's Castgarden syndicating platform!

Check out today’s podcast..!

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