Make it festive and beautiful, especially when you have a menemen on the table at the weekend breakfast. You can't get enough of its bread, either! Although menemen is known as a single or student meal.


it can be prepared easily and easily consumed every meal of the day due to its high nutritional value such as tomatoes, peppers, onions, and eggs. I can't get enough of its taste either!


• 2 tablespoons of oil
•3 green peppers (after cleaning the stem and seeds, finely chopped)
•3 medium tomatoes (I used jar tomatoes) 1/2 •teaspoon of salt
•3 eggs


Let's prepare a delicious menemen that you can enjoy at any time of the day today. Here is: Menemen recipe with tomato, pepper and onion!


You can also prepare it by using tomatoes in the season or tomato sauces prepared in winter. I already say good health to your hands and welcome to my recipe.


Preparation of Menemen Recipe Put the oil and peppers in the pan and fry them until the color of the peppers turn. Peel the peel and add the finely chopped tomatoes.


Close the lid of the pan on the low stove and wait for the tomatoes to cook well. Tomatoes are not very watery, you can add a little boiling water if they stick to the pan.


Generally, this situation will not be necessary. You can break the eggs after the tomatoes are cooked as in the photo. You can whisk the eggs in a separate bowl and add them, or you can break them into the pan like I do and mix them in the pan.


Add salt and any spices and wait until the eggs are cooked. If you want to add cheddar cheese, you can add the cheeses at this stage. Serve your menemen hot.

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