Personal blog: Droughts and creative peaks… inevitable?


In all my years as a blogger I have had times of abundance of ideas, and times of total dryness, more the first than the second fortunately. And for a few months, I have finally started to feel very comfortable writing and I have a lot of ideas and things that I want to share.

I suppose it has to do with my current personal situation, much more stable emotionally, although somewhat less financially, due to the change in my work situation. Since the beginning of last year I have been with more free time, in a new environment, without the toxicity of my previous job, and although I have had to cut back and take care of my expenses, I am much more comfortable on a personal level than before, than I earned more but I did not enjoy it so much, but that is the subject for another post.

The fact is that I feel that I am entering "the zone", and that gives me pleasure. Enjoying writing is something that I missed and needed to recover. Now, the question is: is it possible to control these ups and downs, this sometimes capricious irregularity of our creative part? The short answer is no. Sometimes not even with all the conditions in our favor we can get out of these potholes, these stagnations in which we sometimes find ourselves.

But the long answer is that that doesn't necessarily mean that we can't do anything about it. Which is not exactly a "yes", but it can come very close. So here are some recommendations for those times of drought in which the pencil is paralyzed before the paper, and we with it.

1.- Create the right environment


When possible, create an environment in which you are comfortable to create, and when it is not possible, look for a way to do at least one thing that helps you, such as playing background music by a group or artist that you like, be it to relax or stimulate you. Have a coffee, a beer, or whatever else you enjoy. Take a long, delicious bath, or whatever else helps you relax, pamper yourself a bit.

Sometimes we are so immersed in the inertia of the day to day that we forget ourselves, and if you see your time to write as part of your relaxing ritual of the day it may be easier for ideas to emerge, and if not at least achieve you relax and pamper yourself a bit.

2.- Experience new things, get out of your comfort zone


Over there in a video game there is a scene that comes to mind where the villain of the story tells the protagonist: “Do you know what the definition of madness is? It is always doing the same thing and hoping that the result is different ”.

And he's absolutely right, so you may just need to experience new things to unlock yourself. And you don't have to change your lifestyle or things like that, simple things like trying a new way to get to work or home, eating something new, getting up at a different time, listening to new music or giving different movies or books a try, can be easy ways to do it.

Doing new things, and better yet, getting out of your comfort zone and daring to do things that you usually wouldn't do, will give you at least something to talk about.

3.- Use writing as therapy


Sometimes we are so immersed in our problems, in our dramas, that it is difficult for us to be creative, if that is your case, use writing as therapy. Write what you feel, talk to yourself through paper, or your computer screen, it doesn't matter.

The important thing is that you let yourself flow, perhaps you will not always be able to publish everything you write, some texts may be too personal or without a clear structure, but I assure you that something will come out of there and it will be an experience that can be very therapeutic, even cathartic.

4.- Use Discord groups


Talk to other Hve users, and for this, unless you already have good friends on the platform to do it with, you can lean on the many groups that are on Discord. There are them by country, and by project mainly.

In them, in addition to asking questions, you will find support from the moderators and the most active members. I assure you that more than one of them has gone through a similar blocking process that you may be experiencing, and chatting with them about each other's experiences can help.

5.- Do not rule out anything


I always tell my architecture students not to erase a single sketch, not a single idea, no matter how crazy it may seem at the time of designing, since they never know if that idea could be useful later in some future stage of project development.

Deleting, or discarding ideas, that in the first instance did not convince us or we did not succeed in curdling, is, from my point of view, a bad idea, a waste. Since days, weeks or months later, when you reread them, you can specify or redirect them to achieve something interesting, which at the time due to x, y or z circumstances, you could not achieve.

6.- Persevere


It may sound trite, but as the saying goes: "he/she who perseveres achieves." And in Hive it is a reality. Even if you are not doing as you would like, do not give up, you may be one step away from unlocking and you do not know it.

If you are going through a bump, there are other options apart from posting to take advantage of your credits in what you overcome, such as interacting with other users by commenting on their posts. These comments also pay dividend and can have upvotes, in addition to that they can help you to have new followers.

Whether it is posting or commenting, the important thing is not to give up, inspiration sooner or later returns, but it has to find us working to be able to impact what we are doing.


Well, I hope these suggestions can be useful to you, I have gone through practically all of them and that is why I have encouraged myself to share them with you. Have a great day and see you next time.

©bonzopoe, 2021.


Thank you very much for reading this post and dedicating a moment of your time. Until next time and remember to leave a comment.


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