A Sunday Walk Through My City

The holiday is over but thank God it existed, even in these complicated times for all of us. The predictions of researchers and other informed and intelligent people say that our existence after this pandemic will change, as will our habits. I hope not too much.

The holidays are over and now I'm home again. The trip to the sea was left somewhere behind, among the pleasant memories. Ordinary life is back. Sometimes on Sundays I walk through the city center.

I live on the outskirts and that's enough for me. I have everything I need nearby. Sometimes, especially driven by my wife, I take a walk in the city center. In the old part of the city, built at the beginning of the last century.

I forgot to say that the city is Bucharest, the capital of Romania.


It was very hot this Sunday. Although we are approaching autumn, the weather is still summer. Very pleasant for a walk.


Here the temperature should have been seen, 31 degrees Celsius but now I see that it is not visible. You have to take my word for it!

The boulevard I like the most is called The Way of Victory. If I remember from what I learned, it is so called because it was the road where the Romanian army returned after defeating the Turkish armies, in 1877, and thus the Romanian Lands became independent.

This is the most beautiful boulevard and its existence brings nobility to the city.


This is the favorite boulevard for many families to go for a bike ride on Sunday.

The most important buildings are here. It would be a lot to show but I try to be as short as possible. I'm trying to show you some of the most important buildings I passed in this short walk.

Athenaeum building.


The main hall for the symphony orchestra's concerts. It was built by public subscription. There was a campaign called "Give a penny for the athenaeum!"

The most important building, historically speaking, is the former Royal Palace. It now houses the Art Museum of Romania.

The Royal Palace



Statue of King Carol I.
The most important king of the Romanians, "guilty" for the modernization of this country.


This Sunday walk was not just a walk without a purpose. My wife usually goes to an old monastery right in the middle of town. Built around 1700.


Due to pandemics and protection against covid-19, religious service is no longer allowed inside churches. Those who want to participate must keep their distance.


Fortunately, the cafes have finally been given the freedom to operate indoors. For me, a beautiful day must be accompanied by a good coffee!



To be sublime, Sunday must offer something special. Such as an unexpected meeting with the last race of the Cycling Tour of Romania. I didn't know it was in progress, I only saw it on the window of the bus with which we were returning to our neighborhood.

A Sunday walk in a city still quite quiet, because many of the inhabitants have not yet returned from vacation. A Sunday that is suitable for #beautifulsunday and #sublimesunday.


That's what I think, as well as that I have to end with a flower, #alwaysaflower!
I try to present a small part of the place where I live, a part of culture and world that for many of you is unknown. This is why I like to write here.

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