My premier post, personal presentation

Good morning lovely buddies and Happy Sunday and I hope you all slept well!
My name is Benson Edet and from Nigeria,I grew up a environment where survival of the fittest is the watch word.

I am a graduate and those not signify that because I have a certificate I must Wait for God time because I usually hear God time is the best and I am aware that God never bless Abraham in his father's land.
I was doing teaching work before the lockdown surface in 2020,so I had to change my place of work to make sure I put food on my table and pay my bills.
I love football alot and that has always being my dream when I grow up but God knows the best,so I can't question him and I decided to keep myself engaged in other activities.
Apart from food and money which everybody is chasing,I think the rest are secondary,that is why I don't joke with my breakfast and back up with tiger nut which keeps me going every day.

Is when you hustle,pray for grace and see how God works in a miraculous way and that is why I don't joke when they say to me,let go into the Lord's present because in this present there is fullness of joy and liberty.
I stand to be corrected,if I have gone astray or divert from the norms.
Thanks and God Bless.

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