My first hive PUD preparations as a rallier for July 1st, 2020: A prehive pud blog



So a lot of things have been going on for me since the past two months I joined Hive. I joggled through a lot of things ranging from my weekly rally post to participating in various contests.

My main aim of joining the rally is to get to 100hp as quickly as possible. The rally is divided in to two phases:

  • Reaching 100 HP
  • Reaching 500 HP

Since I've gotten 100 HP it's safe to say that I'm moving on to the next phase. Who knows if it would take me less or more than 3 months to get to 500 HP.

The minimum requirement to participate in the hive power up for the month of July specifically on the 1st is 100 HP.

Prior to that it was originally 300 HP but was lowered to accomodate mostly 100 Redfish ralliers. This is made possible through the intervention of the terminal admins @brittandjosie, @justclickindiva, @thekittygirl, just to mention a few

All thanks to @traciyork (on behalf of @streetstyle) for this initiative that has continued up till now.

Prizes to be won by Redfish rally participants for July:
Ten qualifying RedFish Rally participants will receive:
100 HIVE Power Delegation for 3 Weeks - Sponsor = @traciyork each

I call upon my fellow ralliers to participate in the 7/1 Hive Power Up Day @arlettemsalase, @starstrings01, @velinov86, @darkfemme, @dee-y, @desireeart; @eliezerfloyd, @isabelpena and @mariale07.

@thekittygirl has offered an additional prize for the terminal members. She'll randomly pick and award a 200 HP delegation to one lucky winner. It will be with the winner for a month

Criteria in order to participate:

  • He or she must have a reputation score above 39 and below 70.00 ( that is 38.99 can't participate but 69.99 is good can still participate);


  • He or she must have Hive Power: more than 100HP and less than 8,000HP; not inclusive of delegation.


Using my reputation and wallet as an example.


Participants must use the #hivepud tag in order to be easily tracked.

For the terminal members please don't forget to paste your link in the #hivepudroom

Please visit @traciyork's post to learn more about the for instructions, rules, and prizes before entering HIVE-PUD.

For more information please visit her blog. This link takes you directly to it.

Thanks for reading, I hope you participate in the hive PUD too.

See ya @beckie96830

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