The Legendary Soft Drink From Indonesia ‘Cap Badak’


When thirsty in hot and sweltering weather, usually what comes to mind is to chug a refreshing cold drink. Perhaps one of your options is a soft drink.

Cold and softdrinks, much loved by the people. Because, this type of drink if consumed in the middle of a hot afternoon, will provide freshness for the body. Soft drinks themselves are considered less good for health. However, while consumed in reasonable quantities and intensity, soft drink or carbonated beverages are still enjoyed.

However, behind all these drawbacks soft drinks also have some benefits that you need to know that are useful for health. Like:

  1. Facilitate the digestion of food, we often see in the eating contest a participant will choose a companion drink softdrink because acid in soda will destroy carbohydrates so easily digested.

  2. Helps to release gas in the stomach, with belching.

  3. Soft drinks also help when we feel the taste of enek because it can neutralize the tongue.

  4. Of course to quench thirst.

Many different brands of softdrinks are already present in Indonesia, especially foreign brands such as coca cola, fanta, sprite, big cola, pepsi, 7up, root beer, etc. But Indonesia also has one local brand that is older than the country of Indonesia, namely ‘Cap Badak’.


Cap Badak is a legendary locally branded soda drink/soft drink. Originally from Pematang Siantar, North Sumatra. It is made from water, carbon dioxide (CO2), salt, sodium, and sulfatrinasius. The presence of carbon dioxide in Cap Badak gives a "biting" and fresh sensation.


Cap Badak has been produced since about 1 century ago, more precisely in 1916 ago by Heinrich Surbeck, a man from Halau, Switzerland under the company name NV Ijs Fabriek Siantar. Starting by producing soda drinks with various flavors such as oranges, grapes, sarsaparilla, to soda water, now the company that manages the power plant and this hotel, only produces soda water and sarsaparilla flavored beverages or better known as sarsi, saparilla or other designations depending on their respective regions.


Why is it called Cap Badak? From the info I got the name of the rhino stamp is also still debated. But Surbeck's background as a chemical engineering scholar and nature lover seems to be a strong reason. It is said that he was also a collector of dried animals and plants, and at that time rhinoceros animals were rare.

Of the many variants of Cap Badak drink, the taste of sarsaparila is most liked because of its uniqueness. This variant is made from extracts of herbs from Mexico, producing a delicious and fresh taste. The drink is packaged in a transparent glass bottle with the words 'Rhino'. The most distinctive of course is the image of a one-horned rhinoceros displayed in the middle of a bottle.


The most fun way to enjoy it, of course, is drunk cold by pouring it into a glass using ice cubes.


Talk of the dangers of softdrinks for health in recent years is getting louder. Of course, this makes the production of Cap Badak beverages have problems. Even now the production is only half and the production began to be reduced, namely only soda water and sarsaparila.

But for me and the people of North Sumatra, Badak remains a legend of the famous drink that will always be missed. But for the people in Pematang Siantar and its surroundings, Badak remains a legend of the famous drink that will always be missed.

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