When Press in Pakistan will get the Right Freedom of Speech?



Hello GEMS Community! Welcome to my blog. There are many countries who celebrate their Independence Day to devote their heroes who has given big sacrifices for their freedom. Freedom is indeed a big blessing from God. We should be free to follow our culture, free to pray God, free to breath openly and free to spread great words of love everywhere. Unfortunately I've seen that this freedom has been manipulated badly even in many developed countries. After getting freedom from the cruel rulers, are we free for everything? Are our words allowed to criticize someone in the government or someone in the Establishment? Are we free to express our opinions on the media? There are many questions that are wandering into my mind and they all have restrictions in their answers. We are free in words but we aren't free in reality. It is too hard to be a part of any press channel because the Journalist are allowed to speak what some powerful personalities want. If someone went against these personalities then he has to suffer greatly.



Bitter Facts regarding Pakistani Press

From my childhood, I had a dream to be a journalist. When I reached in 5th class, there happened some incidents that crashed the right Freedom of Speech and some journalist were killed. After these incidents, one of my father's friends who was a Journalist visited our house and shared the reasons why has he resigned from his Journalist Post in one of the most famous Pakistani Press Media? I witnessed his words that were saying, "Freedom is the bitch of some powerful personalities in Pakistan, we are forced to speak written scripts otherwise they blackmailed us by harming our family.



Many my fellow journalist received martyrdom martyrdom from God against fight with these Mafias His words not only opened my eyes but also I secured my future otherwise there were high chances, I would be in a Jail because I'm a big supporter of freedom of speech in press. Anyway these are some of the cruel facts in many countries where our press is free in books only and the all press is in cage in reality. One year back, one of the famous Journalist Arshad Shareef was killed in Kenya when he was playing the role of an actor in the Film "Behind the close door". The target of this film was to reveal the cruel face of some corrupt politicians and bureaucrats. The most famous personality in Press was killed because he was preaching freedom of speech. Nowadays it is hard to preach freedom of speech.




If one nation wants to make progress then it should protect the right "Freedom of Speech". If people are not allowed what is reality then the mafia and corrupt people will rule again and again. Many departments especially our Press should be free. Their should be some organisations that protects the rights and lives of Journalists. If anyone is involved in pressurizing media then he or she should be punished. Freedom in Speech Press and rule of law in Judiciary are main pillars in the progress of a country. These both rights are in the hands of some powerful personalities and they are rooting badly in a country. We should take the responsibility of freedom of speech and should reign it the whole world. I hope and pray, our media will release one day from the cage of these wicked people.

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