Storytime. Me estafaron, pero reflexioné algo positivo al respecto [ESP-ENG]

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¡Hi guys, welcome to my blg!



Espero esten muy bien chicos! Como ven en el título, si, me estafaron, esto ocurrio durante la semana y fue el jueves pasado que me di cuenta, y lastimosamente dos amigos tambien perdieron parte de su dinero porque ibamos a comprar divisas ($).

Bueno aqui en Venezuela últimamente es muy común que en WhatsApp te lleguen mensajes de numeros desconocidos haciendose pasar por personas que tu conoces, un ejemplo de ese tipo de mensajes "hola soy gaby agg" utilizan nombres comunes la mayoria de los casos para asi, si tienes una persona conocida con ese nombre pienses que la persona cambió de número y la agregues. Tambien estan los que de una te dicen que estan vendiendo divisas, e igual si uno no esta pila uno cree que puede ser un familiar y bueno, caes, como me pasó a mi...


A mi papá la semana pasada le llego un mensaje de esos que le menciono haciendose pasar por una amiga de el y que estaba vendiendo divisas. Como yo suelo cambiar las monedas de aca de Hive a divisas la mayoría de los casos el me escribe diciendome que su amiga esta vendiendo y que si queria y yo acepté, el me pasa el número y yo al día siguiente le escribo. Cabe acotar que esa persona fue bien astuta, porque yo estuve hablando con ella (o él, quien sabe) desde el domingo antepasado, y como es una persona conocida (la persona real) y estaba fuera del país yo la verdad crei que bueno se trajo dinero en efectivo y lo estaba cambiando a bolívares y de paso me decía que era "urgente" y por eso yo tambien les dije a mis amigos y bueno, sin querer los metí en eso porque yo estaba intentando ayudar a esa "amiga de mi papá".

Me enteré porque el dia que me iban a hacer la entrega la persona desaparecio, no contestaba, la llamé y decia que el número no existía, luego mi papá le escribió a su amiga por otra red social y le dijo que esa no eran ella y que no estaba aqui en Venezuela...

Y cuando supe que literal nos habian robado, al poco rato me dio por llorar la verdad no se por que, porque no sentia rabia por todo el dinero que se perdió, creo que mas bien fue el hecho de que no espere pasar por eso y me frustraba darme cuenta que hay gente que no le importa nada y hace esas cosas y de paso tenia una pena y me dio demasiada cosa que mis amigos tambien estuviesen metidos en eso y hayan perdido su dinero... que no es culpa de ninguno, ni de mi papá, nadie, por un lado sirve de experiencia para estar mas pendiente de ahora en adelante al respecto y no confiar ni ceder tan fácil asi por así.


Varias personas me recomendaron denunciar, por un momento lo pensé pero ya luego se me pasó eso porque aqui en mi país poco prestan atención a las personas en esos casos y ademas ya habían pasado días y de seguro ese dinero lo cambiaron a otra cuenta o sencillamente ya lo habían utilizado. Sin embargo, tengo un conocido que estudió y tiene contactos con la policía, me dijo que pudo averiguar algo, pero aún no me ha contado nada y la verdad ya hoy no busco hacer nada al respecto porque tampoco hay nada que hacer, lo que pasó, pasó.

Desde ese momento si fue muy chimbo ese choque de que te quitaron dinero, pero la verdad no me mortifiqué por eso, el dinero y todo lo material se recupera, lo importante es que tanto mi familia, amigos y yo estamos bien.

Y de todo esto, y en parte gracias a libros que he estado leyendo, no sentí una rabia fea, ni tuve pensamientos feos ni de venganza, nada al respecto, entendi que son cosas que pueden pasar y que al final la vida te lo regresa de otra forma. Soy fiel creyente de que todo pasa por algo y a su vez trae consigo enseñanzas que te hacen crecer, yo la verdad no me siento ingenua al respecto, existe una LEY de vida que es la de Karma y Dharma, quien sabe cuales son las razones de esas personas al hacer esas cosas, y si una desea y piensa de forma positiva ante cualquier situación, lo bueno, bendiciones llegan a ti, porque cada quien recibe lo que da y siempre en todo hay justicia (divina), asi que nada, esa es mi reflexion al respecto...

Esto ha sido toda la historia (resumida) jaja, cuentame que opinas, que hubieses hecho o si concuerdas con mi punto de vista. Espero que todos tengamos una excelente semana, saludos!

"Solo recibes lo mejor para tu persona, cuando eres capaz de Desear lo mejor para todos".


I hope you guys are doing great! As you can see in the title, yes, I was scammed, this happened during the week and it was last Thursday that I realized, and unfortunately two friends also lost part of their money because we were going to buy foreign currency ($).

Well here in Venezuela lately it is very common that in WhatsApp you get messages from unknown numbers pretending to be people you know, an example of such messages "hello I'm gaby agg" use common names in most cases so that if you have a known person with that name think that the person changed number and add it. There are also those who at once tell you that they are selling foreign currency, and even if you are not in a pile you think it could be a relative and well, you fall, as happened to me ....


Last week my dad got one of those messages I mentioned, pretending to be a friend of his and that he was selling currencies. As I usually change the currencies here in Hive to foreign currency most of the time he writes me saying that his friend is selling and that if I wanted and I accepted, he passed me the number and the next day I write him. It should be noted that this person was very astute, because I was talking to her (or him, who knows) since the Sunday before last, and as she is a known person (the real person) and was out of the country I really believed that she was bringing cash and was changing it to bolivars and by the way she was telling me that it was "urgent" and so I also told my friends and well, I unintentionally got them into it because I was trying to help this "friend of my dad's." I found out because the day before last I was trying to help this "friend of my dad's".

I found out because the day I was going to make the delivery the person disappeared, she did not answer, I called her and she said that the number did not exist, then my dad wrote to her friend through another social network and told her that this was not her and that she was not here in Venezuela....

And when I found out that we had literally been robbed, soon after I started to cry, I don't really know why, because I didn't feel anger for all the money that was lost, I think it was rather the fact that I didn't expect to go through that and I was frustrated to realize that there are people who don't care about anything and do those things and by the way I was sad and it made me too upset that my friends were also involved in that and had lost their money. ... it's not anyone's fault, not my dad's, no one's, on the one hand it serves as an experience to be more vigilant from now on in this regard and not to trust or give in so easily just like that.


Several people recommended me to report it, for a moment I thought about it but then I forgot about it because here in my country they don't pay much attention to people in those cases and besides it had already been days and surely that money was changed to another account or simply they had already used it. However, I have an acquaintance who studied and has contacts with the police, he told me that he was able to find out something, but he has not told me anything yet and the truth is that today I am not trying to do anything about it because there is nothing to do, what happened, happened.

From that moment on, it was a very shocking shock that they took money from you, but the truth is that I was not mortified by that, the money and all the material things are recovered, the important thing is that my family, friends and I are fine.

And from all this, and partly thanks to the books I have been reading, I did not feel ugly rage, nor did I have ugly thoughts of revenge, nothing about it, I understood that these are things that can happen and that in the end life gives it back to you in another way. I am a faithful believer that everything happens for a reason and in turn brings teachings that make you grow, I really do not feel naive about it, there is a LAW of life that is Karma and Dharma, who knows what are the reasons of those people to do those things, and if you want and think positively to any situation, the good, blessings come to you, because everyone gets what he gives and always in everything there is justice (divine), so nothing, that's my reflection on this ....

This has been the whole story (summarized) haha, tell me what you think, what you would have done or if you agree with my point of view. I hope we all have a great week, cheers!

"You only get the best for yourself, when you are able to Wish the best for everyone".

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