Nature is always changing

Hi everyone's!!!

The air temperature in our city today is very hot, and the temperature is also very hot which has passed several months this year, in general when October is entering the rainy season, but today starts with the beginning of October 2020, the weather is still hot and the sun very sunny today, to be precise Thursday, October 01, 2020, the temperature reached 31 ° Celsius.

Until the afternoon, precisely from 17:00 to 18:00 the air is still hot so that it can be seen clearly in the appearance of the clouds that are so bright on the horizon, while the afternoon sun is pure white.

Air temperature is one of the conditions that often occurs in every country with certain climatic differences, but if we hear the explanation of the teacher at school in the past saying that temperature shows the degree of an object. In simple terms it can be said that the higher the temperature of an object, the hotter the object is. Then, microscopically, the temperature shows the energy possessed by an object received from the reflection of the light source itself.

Every atom in a moving object, either in the form of displacement or movement, replaces vibrations. The higher the energy of the atoms that make up the object, the higher the temperature of the object.

Then what about the temperature in we area?
Likewise with the air temperature in our area, the brighter the condition of an area, the higher the temperature, and objects on earth are also exposed to the influence of this temperature, just like today even though it has entered the afternoon the temperature is still hot reaching 31 ° Celsius according to conditions this time.

Naturally it can be said that, the condition of the air temperature on the earth's surface is very relative and even changes frequently, these temperature changes depend on the factors that influence it, such as now, for example, which causes the length of exposure to sunlight for objects in our region, the sky and the current state it is very hot and sunny, so this factor causes the natural atmosphere to be bright in the afternoon.

There are several factors that cause a change in the situation or temperature in an area, sometimes contrary to the previous situation, although the temperature in certain areas often experiences things that become a common habit, there will also be changes. In this case there are several factors such as:

The state of the earth's surface

The influence of temperature that has occurred lately has violated habits, especially in our region due to differences in the nature of land and sea, this is due to changes in location that have shifted due to the effects of disasters, for example the Tsunami that hit the Aceh region, so natural locations such as sea and land occur difference. In our village area, if the land before the disaster had 45% sea level, then after the disaster the land was reduced so that it had an area of ​​about 40%. So it is clear that the differences in the properties of land and sea.

So the consequences of this will affect the absorption and reflection of solar radiation. When this happens, the land surface will more rapidly receive and release the heat of solar radiation energy that is received on the earth's surface and consequently cause a wider difference in air temperature over the ocean and will automatically affect objects on land

However, this theory can also change over time in this world, humans are only able to observe some things that look real to their eyes, but in essence it is still a mystery about it.

Isn't this realm full of mysteries that make our minds unable to digest it! We do not know the essence of what will happen in the future, it may be good or other things that we don't know.

However, what is seen today is an extraordinary beauty happening around us, nature always changes according to its nature and according to its journey.

Thus the story for today, maybe tomorrow will change and always change all the time. Hopefully useful and thank you very much.

Classification of photo & writing
In the photo withVIVO Y12 smartphone
Photo SettingsOtomatis
ThemesNature is always changing ✉
Text referencePersonal observasi ✎

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