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Special Gift from a Special friend

My dear friend Charmaine from "Paper Trale", gave me a "Hand made Journal" that she had made, as a gift for me. I am so chuffed with it, that I have to share my friend's Talent with you.

Charmaine, an Educational Psychologist who works with children with special needs and is a keen crafter who enjoys making beautiful art work out of her uniquely dyed paper.
She has made many beautiful craft and art work from this very skilled and wonderful technique,

Each page is so meticulously made. The paper is prepared by dying with tea bags and other substances like fruit and vegetable coloring, and pressed flowers.

She also uses water color paint to enhance her craft work.

Decorative dyed paper


Some of the craft paper made by Charmaine waiting to be used for her Paper Trale Art work

Each page is so beautifully put together, that I don't want to spoil them by writing in it.

The Journal is bound with blue material and frills to finish it off

This gift is very special, so much time and effort was put into it, crafted with loving hands; her heart and soul went into it, which I will cherish for ever.
Charmaine will be joining Hive soon, she is just going through a big move at the present moment. We will soon see more of her beautiful craft work on Hive, she has so much to share. I just hope it won't be too long.

Thank you for making it possible for me to share my special gift with you. I hope you have enjoyed it.

All photos property of @artywink

Original content by @artywink