Why Devout Christians Seem Crazy or Fanatical to the Irreligious

Let me try and explain this while I still am not that holy yet. (Haha, as if it's easy to be one. 😆) But you know I've been reading several comments on Facebook and YouTube that aren't happy with religious people. Of course I don't live in an echo chamber that's why I still see all sorts of things. Haha.

The Short Answer

People who don't understand something will make fun of or fear whatever they are ignorant of or don't understand. They will call some people crazy simply because they think differently. Or because you look or act different, you will be treated like a bad person even if you don't do bad things. Otherwise they will spread fake news against Christians and the dogmas so the good will become "evil". That's human nature, no thanks to the fall of Adam and Eve.


In simple terms, think history-bashing, smart-shaming or anti-intellectualism and racism. I dunno what the term is for those who don't like religious people. 😅 It's not anti-Semitism for sure, but for simplicity's sake, Christianity is a by-product of the Jewish religion. So ridiculing and persecuting Christians can count as anti-Semitism, or something. Lol. But that's a topic for another day.

The Long Summarized Answer

Okay I need to shorten this and make a whole new separate post because it'd be too long if I put everything here. Haha. Basically it all comes down to ignorance and misinformation, usually. Or in a religious sense, it's still because of our human nature. That goes back to the Original Sin by Adam and Eve.

Again, I did not grow up in a devout Christian family despite being born and baptized as a Catholic. No one in our family is pious at all, not even any of my relatives afaik. So I very well know how the lukewarm in the faith and the wicked mind goes.

A Fanatic is Different From a True Christian

All Christians must be filled with love for God and fellowmen. It's hard to truly be one though. Despite that, we all try our best to be true followers of Christ.

A truly devout or practicing Christian does not even fight or say anything bad when you hurt them. This is why many good people get abused, manipulated and taken advantaged of.

Truly devout Christians are looked upon as weaklings because they are kind, helpful and prayerful. What's fanatic about that? And when people fight for their rights like the Cristeros of Mexico did, should they be called fanatics then?


Blinded By Sin, You Won't Understand a Thing

There are even people who think Christians are cuckoo or loco. Just because there's millions or billions of people who believe in a Creator and Savior doesn't mean we're all crazy. There is a truth to it which some people can't accept just because we have not lived in the time of Jesus Himself.

Duh, all human beings have mental health issues. It's not just the religious who have mind problems. Heck in fact what if nobody's mentally sound? Whether religious or not, we all have brains that can think. But come on, why even think like this?

Ever think that maybe it's the non-religious who are the crazy ones? Think about it. There's even an idiom that goes like, "blind with ____." Use the words pain, hate, fury, rage or anger, take your pick. When you're so angry and hurt by everything you can only think of evil things to do to yourself and others. Misery loves company.


When You Know and Accept Your Place, You Discover Your Purpose

When you encounter the Lord, you will finally know where you belong. You start following Jesus' teachings to be a better human being and make the world a better place. Unfortunately not everyone wants a good and loving world. Also it's not easy to change our bad habits.

Don't think God does not take action in each of our lives. We can be so stubborn in our sinful ways that the Lord needs to dazzle us first with some miracle before we even believe in Him. Seems that is how we people are wired. He knows that all too well.


If Your Mind is in the Gutter, Don't Expect to See the Refreshingly Clear Blue Sky

Clear up the mind trash first, and get out of the mud. Or climb out of the figurative deep hole you're in. Metaphorically speaking, wash your eyes, (head and body, everything) so you can finally know the truth. If you can't do it yourself for ANY reason, ask for help! Call out to God, Jesus or Mama Mary, etc.

Stubbornly Sinful People Need Intercessors: Our Gratitude and Love is the Answer

Imagine how ungrateful some people are to you when you do good for them: The beggars, the sick, the people you care for and love (parents, siblings, children, friend), work colleagues (online community members, neighbors, employees), etc. Multiply that to hundreds, thousands to billions of people. That's how God feels whenever we sin. Now if only one or two people intercedes for the entire sinful humanity, something like the Great Flood happens.

So if you'd rather wait for proof from Him in order to be remorseful then it might be too late by then. But of course prayer warriors can help speed that up. The more people pray for God's will to be done, and His decision on whoever our offerings He imparts the graces to, the more people will be reached.


Praying to God is powerful so let's make use of our time well. Let us intercede for others, just like what we do for our own family members or friends when they argue or fight. We implore and reason with them to make peace with each other and/or compromise. It's the same as what Moses did for his people, just like what Mama Mary is still doing for us all to this day.

How about you, do you agree on any of these points? There's more of this in my next post. Or maybe this is enough huh? For the meantime, feel free to add or share your thoughts in the comments.


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