Mysterious Things Behind the Door of the Future


Have you ever wondered what lies behind the doors of the future? The door you have been trying to open in your path. Is it really according to what you want now or not at all according to what you want, but there is a good thing for your life there.

We will never what will happen in the future. All we can do is strive for what we want. We process and grow better even though we never know what the results will be.

It doesn't happen without a cause. There are many things we can be grateful for because we never know what will happen behind the pathway we are currently taking.


We will be lazy if we know about the results

We always try out of curiosity. Curiosity leads us to do things with passion. Even if we fail, we will not give up easily, because we feel that something good ahead there is waiting there, behind the door which is currently closed.

Just imagine if you already know the results of something in the future, good or bad, then you can be sure you will be lazy to try if you see the results in front are not what you wanted.

So our disobedience as humans leads us to things that are good for our development, and shape our maturity.


Doing The Best We Can Without Giving Up

No matter the journey we take is slow, the important thing is we keep moving and don't give up.

If we feel tired, we stop and rest for a while, but we don't give up.

We build hope to see good things ahead there, in the future if.

Even if the results are not following our wishes, it is not in vain. It has shaped us to be better than before that we never even thought we would become what we are today.

So, never give up even though sometimes you feel that the things in front of you don't seem to have any light at all. Keep moving forward because the light is waiting for you right there.


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