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Mood Booster: Photo Session in the A Hype Building


It's a sunny day in the city of Medan, and it's a pity to miss it.

Someone and I then went to the hype building in the city of Medan, a towering mall called "Delipark" sometimes called the "Podomoro" Building.

We arrived at the mall was quite late and too hot. We waited until the afternoon.

We chose a semi indoor spot without a roof. We can see the beautiful sky from here.

Here are some of the results from our photo session, hope you like it.

The beautiful rhythm just flowed and seemed to blow me away:)

There is always a new hope every day. Thank God for today's happiness.

We all deserve to be happy just as we have the right to move to be better.

Someone who made me find happiness again after my heart was broken:)