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The 100 Day Project, Day 3 — Busy Day With Guests and Additional Challenges

So here we are, made it to day 3 of 100 of the challenge! Feeling a little pressured today because we have had out-of-state guests arriving this afternoon, and that had to take priority, of course.

However, I am not prepared to "fail," already on day three!

This is an older design type I really want to improve on and develop further

Onwards, to Day 3...

The first thing that occurred to me this morning was that I needed to pay my Etsy fee bill in order to avoid a suspended account, so I did that, and am now $17.00 poorer.

Which reminded me that a large part of the reason I want to undertake this 100-day gig is so I am not just eternally out-of-pocket — these online sales venues need to — at least — pay for themselves.

Maybe that sounds a bit mercenary and commercial of me, but I need to be able to buy art supplies and such!

Stating out with today's work

Random Project Notes...

It occurred to me today that in addition to the "basic three" social media accounts I am tracking daily, I have a few other "touchpoints" I need to look at.

I know there's an Alchemy Stones Pinterest board out there, somewhere. I need to find that and check in and bring it up to date.

I need to spiff up our Patreon account... already mentioned that, just repeating it as a reminder to myself.

And, of course, there's the main web site, which needs periodic updates, and now with a new flow of traffic from the podcast/TV shows, I need to check all links to make sure they are OK.

Still working with the idea of black "disappearing" when the finish coat goes on

Again, I am reminded of how this feels "different" for me because for most people they are only dealing with one thing... and I'm usually trying to balance five. My art is just a tiny little corner of my universe, but while this project is going on, it might become the single most time consuming I am involved with.

But I guess that is the "price" of choosing to live a life independent of the mainstream... and not working your typical "corporate job."

Getting closer to complete

Day 3 Summary:

One new stone painted; still working on "prototyping" a commission of 30 pieces that will be used as giveaways in the welcome baskets given to attendees at a women's retreat, later this spring. As per usual, part of the process pictured in this post. Below is the finished paint job... the stone is off to the drying shelf now.

So far, I am pretty happy with the way the black might create some "negative dark space," which will be even more evident on the stones after they receive their finish coat.

Daily Twitter/X post: Check. My intention was to share directly from Etsy, but I can't get it to open the right account. So I posted manually.
Daily Facebook Page post: Check. Not a product post, but a post about the podcast from yesterday.
Daily Instagram post: Check. Got it done... once again posting to Instagram from my desktop computer.

Other Stuff: This Hive post, and I found the Pinterest board, found the login information, and managed to put up a new pin. Daily shoutout to @gillianpearce!

The final painted stone for 2/22. Off to the drying/curing shelf for a week!

Day 3 done. That felt like rather more "heavy lifting" than I like, and bordering on feeling like a chore. But then again, the point here is to develop habits I have resisted for a long time because they are not really what I enjoy doing.

I appreciate you coming to visit and please do leave a comment if you feel so inclined!

Thank You!


If you enjoy painted rocks, do check out The Hive Rocks Project and help spread the word about Hive, while also being creative!

Because I am trying to make some semblance of income — a part time living, even — I now add this footer to all my posts, in the hope that someone, somewhere, might decide to take a further look at my work, and perhaps consider supporting independent art.

Thank you, in advance, for your consideration and support!

My Alchemy Stones Patreon appeal

Alchemy Stones web site and blog

Alchemy Stones on eBay

Alchemy Stones on Etsy

Alchemy Stones on Facebook

Regardless, your upvotes and comments are always appreciated!

Thank you for supporting independent art!

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