Why did I join the gym?

“Talent is cheaper than table salt. What separates the talented individual from the successful one is a lot of hard work.”
– Stephen King

Hey everyone. I hope you all are fine. I am doing fine too. I am here to share some thoughts with you all about the recent changes that I have brought in my life.

I have joined a gym finally. There are multiple reasons behind it. I was getting obese because of the stress that I have been feeling. Constant anxiety had made me weak both mentally and physically.

This is why I gained weight and my body remained flacid. You can see in the title photo when I am in black dress.

These days, I feel young. I feel fresh. It has only been a month and I can feel the change already. My body is getting in shape and I love that absolutely.

I am less anxious and I am more strong both mentally and physically. I can run longer than I used to. I am more into fitness training than bodybuilding. It will take more time and effort I know before people start noticing the progress that I have made.

I want to make the future version of myself more proud of myself. And with constant effort, I will be on top for sure.

I have lost 3 kilograms in a month. I weighed around 80 kg and now my weight is around 76 kg. I love how progress feels bit by bit. If you want to live a healthy and long life, work for that my Friend.

Thank you guys for your time and support. It means a lot to me. Do share your views and thoughts in the comments section below so that we can learn and grow together. Take care and have a great day ahead. Do not forget to follow my account for more such content.

Ps. The pictures are mine taken with my Google pixel 5 and edited using adobe Literoom app.

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