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Mi vieja amiga / My old friend (Spa / Eng)

Una vez de ti me alejé,
dentro de mí dije no será lo mismo jamás,
pero que sin duda tú también perdiste,
al dejarnos atrás.

Lo escondí dentro de mí,
todo ese gran dolor de no verte,
de no escucharte, aguardando en
silencio, no hice más qué extrañarte.

Pasaron los días y no pude volver
a abrazarte, mis ilusiones rotas
te mantuvieron alejada de mi, no quise admitir que
debí ser menos dura.

Pero el tiempo pasó,
la vida siguió dando vueltas, para enseñarme
una vez más, que de un día a otro puede cambiar.

Aunque no te he vuelto a encontrar,
no nos hemos vuelto a abrazar, aún tienes
amiga una parte de mí, muchas
historias que solíamos compartir.

En una de esas vueltas que la vida te da, decidí
llamarte amiga una vez más, sin el pasado recordar y pude ver
que aún en tu corazón yo solía estar.

Las personas que te quieren de verdad,
en su corazón te guardarán,
a pesar del dolor,
un adiós no siempre será una despedida final.

Once I walked away from you,
inside me I said it will never be the same again,
but that you undoubtedly lost too, when you left us behind.

I hid it inside me,
all that great pain of not seeing you,
of not hearing you, waiting in silence, I did nothing but miss you.

Days went by and I couldn't hug you again, my broken illusions kept you away from me
my broken illusions kept you away from me, I didn't want to admit that I should have been less
I should have been less harsh.

But time passed,
life kept turning around, to teach me once again, that from one day to the next it can change.

Although I haven't met you again,
we haven't hugged again, you still have a part of me as a friend, many stories we used to share.

In one of those twists and turns that life gives you, I decided to call you a friend once again
to call you friend one more time, without remembering the past and I could see that even in your heart
that even in your heart I used to be.

People who really love you,
will keep you in their heart,
despite the pain,
a goodbye will not always be a final farewell.