My racing experience as a child

Everyone, how are you doing,
My name is Valblesza, And this is my blog.



Racing is one of the best sports, I have fund for, and I love racing so much, I got my reasons why I developed an interest in racing as a child and I want to share that experience.

My experience of racing dated back to my primary school days, when I was in primary school, as a child, I was sponsored to many inter-house ports by my school teachers.

I was fondly called val the racers. These names went too way to explain my experience in the racing competition in my school than.

I function in all the racing positions, ranging from the 100KM, 200KM, 3000KM and the almighty Marathon racing and the Cross-country. The Cross-country was one that comes with fund.

Which I was also part of, the most beautiful experience about this Cross-country racing experience is the Joy of leaking up by 4am.

Seeing your friends and family members standing a flagged and cheering me up was one thing I would never forget in my life. It's one beautiful thing then, as a child, doing something that out stands you from other students.


That your parents, in fact, all parents want to see. How my mum and daddy would suspend their business for the day to cheer me was so exciting.

My siblings, would all come out with their friends, cheering me. It was a good experience for me. Even now, I still stand out in any racing competition I deem fit to participate in.

Then children would want their parents to love them, imagine me going to get a gift of computer toes for coming first in a race. Size yourself all the check popularity in the secondary school, level where I also keep up with my talent.

One of the experiences that comes with racing I will never forget is the one I was cheered and lifted in celebration by some beautiful girls in my class then.

Even my crush who didn't pay attention to me and all my advances on her cheered me up. In fact, that day was the beginning of my success story with her.

We were just friends and nothing more, which my racing skills made her love me plus my smart movement. The sweetest part of it; is that she's today, Dr., Evelyn Valentine.

All this experience comes into play because of the opportunities I availed myself to, in the sporting activities such as racing and the experience today to me worth sharing with you all.

Thanks for reading to the end.

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