RE: Hiveblog: Buzzparty2024 Präsentationen Teil 2 // Hiveblog: Buzzparty2024 Presentations Teil 2 (DE/EN)

Aha! So you were one of those who went for a smoke and left us waiting for the rest of us to resume the presentations hahahaha 🤣 the things one learns 🤣 no kidding, you made a good summary of the last part of that activity. I felt like there was tons of interesting information and there was a lot that I wasn't going to be able to remember. All projects propose interesting contributions to the ecosystem and it has been inspiring to know what different projects, like yours, are doing.
I hope we have the opportunity to coincide again and be able to exchange ideas. Oh and I'd love to read that next post about the beersaturday we had. Cheers!!!

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