1er Bitcoin Pizza Day en la Isla de Margarita [Esp/Eng] 馃崟


Feliz tarde amigos de Hive que maravilloso es poder compartir con ustedes las fotos del primer Bitcoin pizza day que se realiza en la isla, para comenzar este post quiero agradecer a la amiga Rosa @rlathulerie que dia a dia se esta esforzando para que cada dia seamos mas en la comunidad de Hive en la isla de Margarita. No es un trabajo facil pero tampoco imposible y para muestra un bot贸n. En este primer encuentro del bitcoin pizza day fuimos un aproximado de 15 personas sino me equivoco pero de algo estoy segura que la proxima seremos m谩s.Happy afternoon friends of Hive, how wonderful it is to be able to share with you the photos of the first Bitcoin pizza day that takes place on the island. To start this post I want to thank my friend Rosa @rlathulerie who, day by day, is working hard so that every day we are more in the Hive community on Margarita Island. It is not an easy job but it is not impossible either and it is a push button. In this first meeting of the bitcoin pizza day we were approximately 15 people, if not I'm wrong, but I'm sure of one thing that next time there will be more.




Y el lugar de encuentro fue la pizzeria mama mia ubicada en los robles y agredezco a mis amigos @chironga67 y @manros11 por ofrecerse a llevarme ya que el lugar acordado me quedaba un poco lejos. Fuimos llegando poco a poco y fuimos saludando ya que para mis amigos y para mi era la primera vez que asist铆amos a un encuentro con otros hivers de la isla. Tanbien a la hora de pedir las pizzas al amigo Manuel le regalaron una por ser su cumplea帽os.And the meeting place was the mama mia pizzeria located in los robles and I thank my friends @chironga67 and @manros11 for offering to take me since the agreed place was a little far away. We arrived little by little and said hello since for my friends and I it was the first time we had attended a meeting with other hivers from the island. Also when it was time to order the pizzas for his friend Manuel, they gave him one because it was his birthday.



Realmente deseo que estos encuetros se puedsn repetir, es genial conocer a mas personas con la cyal compartimos intereses y sobre todo que nos unen las ganas de crear cosas maravillosas para hive, que como dije al principio no es un trabajo facil pero si todos ponemos un poco de nuestra parte podemos crear algo maravilloso. Por mi parte no habia podido asistir a otros encuentros pero esta vez dije que iba a hacer todo lo posible para ir y pude asistir.I really hope that these meetings can be repeated, it is great to meet more people with whom we share interests and above all that we are united by the desire to create wonderful things for hive, which as I said at the beginning is not an easy job but if we all put in a With little of us we can create something wonderful. For my part, I had not been able to attend other meetings but this time I said I was going to do everything possible to go and I was able to attend.







Y les cuento algo yo la verdad no tenia idea de que el 22 de mayo se celebraba el bitcoin pizza day asi que cuando Rosa me escribio para comentarme acerda de ewte encuentro busque un poco de informaci贸n y me pareci贸 interesante y es que en a帽o 2010 una persona pago 10.000 bitcoin por dos pizzas, se imaginan tener la cantidad de 10.000 bitcoin hoy en dia! Seria maravilloso, asi que las pizzas llegaron a la mesa disfrutamos estas pizzas, hablamos y nos comocimos un poco.And I'll tell you something, the truth is I had no idea that Bitcoin Pizza Day was celebrated on May 22, so when Rosa wrote to me to tell me about that meeting, I looked for a little information and I thought it was interesting and that is that in 2010 a person paid 10,000 bitcoin for two pizzas, can you imagine having the amount of 10,000 bitcoin today! It would be wonderful, so the pizzas arrived at the table we enjoyed these pizzas, we talked and we ate a little.




Tambi茅n me encant贸 compartir un poco con mi querida amiga @floreudys79 y no podia faltar la foto grupal que se que oara la amiga Rosa es un apapacho al coraz贸n por lograr que esta vez fu茅ramos mas en esta reuni贸n, y estoy segura qie cada vez seremos mas. La verdad que la pasamos muy bien.I also loved sharing a little with my dear friend @floreudys79 and I couldn't miss the group photo that I know my friend Rosa heard, it's a big hug to the heart for making sure that this time there were more of us in this meeting, and I'm sure that we will be more and more . The truth is that we had a great time.


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