Entering #BuzzParty2024 3Speak Competition

Greetings #Hive!

We sincerely apologize for the delay in releasing our #BuzzParty2024 video on @threespeak. Unfortunately, @minigunner fell quite ill after Hamburg, which held us back. Thankfully, he is on the mend now, and we are glad to share this positive update with all of you.

The journey to Hamburg was indeed a memorable one for @artakush and @minigunner. They immersed themselves fully in the vibrant atmosphere of the event, enjoying every moment to such an extent that they forgot to capture more video footage. Their dedication was primarily focused on assisting @tibfox to ensure everything at the event ran smoothly, which took precedence over filming.

Speaking of smooth, the video we are finally sharing includes some entertaining moments, one of which features @smooms breaking into dance—a delightful sight, indeed!

The event was graced with outstanding presentations by a host of key speakers including @arcange, @ph1102, @alessandrawhite, @mypathtofire, @smooms, @detlev, @tibfox, and @Coldbeetrootsoup. Each presentation was insightful and added significant value to the event. We're eagerly awaiting the final cut of the video from @buzzparty to relive these moments and see our own presentation featured.

We owe a special thanks to @louis88, whose exceptional photographic skills enriched our video content with stunning visuals from the event. These images truly captured the essence and energy of the gathering, and we hope they add to your enjoyment of the video.

As we put the final touches on our main post, you can expect a more detailed info of the event there. This upcoming post will cover most of the narrative and provide additional insights that we couldn’t fit into our video. Stay tuned, and we hope you find the video as enjoyable and nostalgic as we do. Missing the wonderful connections and moments shared with all of you!


Finally, a shoutout to @manniman, @edb, @ynwa.andree, @machamorag2, @anna-newkey, @blockchain-oma, @reiseamateur, @bechibenner, @werkseber, @danielhuhservice, @balte, @bitterirony, @quekery, @cryptospa, @rivalzzz, @edje, @ninaeatshere (mentioned twice with delight), @kiel91, @an-sich-wachsen, @elmirabear, @solarwarrior—your presence and participation make our community vibrant and dynamic. We look forward to creating more memories together!

▶️ 3Speak

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