I CANT HELP FALLING IN LOVE Elvis Presley cover by @Edgardsaxo

Un saludo al todo ecosistema blogchain de #hive hoy participando en la comunidad de SOUND MUSIC hoy les traigo un hermoso tema ideal para disfrutarlo en esta agradable mañana que tenemos hoy en el estado Aragua Venezuela.

Greetings to the entire blogchain ecosystem of #hive today participating in the SOUND MUSIC community today I bring you a beautiful theme ideal to enjoy this pleasant morning that we have today in the state of Aragua Venezuela.


este tema me gusta mucho fue uno de los primero que monte cuando me inicie como sax solista y tengo mucho tiempo sin tocarlo lo comparto con ustedes se titula: I Can´t falling help in love se popularizo despues de ser grabada por la leyenda del rock Elvis Presey, tambien conosiderado como el rey del rock and roll, el tema es original de George David Weiss muchas han sido las versiones grabada desde entonces.

I like this song a lot, it was one of the first ones I put together when I started as a solo sax player and I haven't played it for a long time. I share it with you. It's titled: I Can't Falling Help in Love. It became popular after being recorded by the rock legend. Elvis Presey, also considered the king of rock and roll, the theme is original by George David Weiss, many versions have been recorded since then.

hoy NO les comparto la partitura debido que este tema me lo aprendi de memoria u oido; recuerdo que fue en el 2015 cuando me contrataron como sax solista y para ese entoces ya habia trabajado con muchas orquesta bailable locales y nacionales; pero jamas habia tocado solo y no tenia repertorio tuve una semana para montar 10 temas no eran muchos; pero el detalle es que no tenia partituras de ningun tipo asi que comenze con los temas que por lo menos la melodia ya me era familiar como besame mucho, a mi manera, reloj, la gata bajo la lluvia y este i cant help falling in love que era una exigencia del contratante.

Today I am NOT sharing the score because I learned this song by heart or by ear; I remember that it was in 2015 when they hired me as a sax soloist and by then I had already worked with many local and national dance orchestras; but I had never played alone and I had no repertoire. I had a week to put together 10 songs, they weren't many; but the detail is that I didn't have sheet music of any kind so I started with the themes that at least the melody was already familiar to me like kiss me a lot, in my own way, watch, the cat in the rain and this i cant help falling in love which was a requirement of the contractor.

Fue una semana de mucha presion; pero asi fue como comence como sax solista y poco a poco fui ampliando el repertorio y este tema i cant falling in love es poco probable que se me olvide espero lo disfrten.

It was a week of a lot of pressure; but that's how I started as a sax soloist and little by little I expanded the repertoire and this song I can't fall in love is unlikely to be forgotten I hope you enjoy it.

para mi es un honor esta otra vez con ustedes compartiendo buena musica, espero que mi presentacion haya sido de su agrado.

For me it is an honor to be with you again sharing good music, I hope you liked my presentation.


cada dia es una oportunidad para crear, expresarnos y crecer
Every day is an opportunity to create, express ourselves and grow.


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