Christmas red 馃巹The color I love the most about these dates


Since I was a child, the color red has always been associated with Christmas and the magic that is in it, from the ornaments I saw in my house, also decorating the streets and the typical Santa suit.

That is why since I became an adult, this color has remained in my Christmas decorations, as well as gold and green, which end up being a perfect combination.

Red is related to love, passion and Christmas and in a deeper way it has been related to the blood of Christ and invites us to spiritual reconciliation, forgiveness and to reflect on the most important things in our lives, such as family.

Many of us celebrate it in different ways and we all have in common the feeling of union, peace and happiness that overwhelms us in these festivities, I already enjoy my tree in my favorite colors and the most valuable thing I have in life is my family. Happy Holidays.

Rojo Navidad 馃巹El color que m谩s amo de estas fechas
Desde que era ni帽a, el color rojo siempre lo he asociado con la navidad y con la magia que hay en ella, desde los adornos que ve铆a en mi casa, tambi茅n adornando las calles y el traje t铆pico de Santa.
Es por ello que desde que fui adulta, este color a permanecido en mi decoraci贸n navide帽a, al igual que el dorado y el verde, que terminan siendo una combinaci贸n perfecta.
El rojo se relaciona con el amor, con la pasi贸n y con la navidad y de forma m谩s profunda ha Sido relacionado con la sangre de Cristo y nos invita a la reconciliaci贸n espiritual, al perd贸n y a reflexionar sobre las cosas m谩s importante de nuestra vida, c贸mo la familia.
Muchos la celebramos de diferentes maneras y todos tenemos en com煤n el sentimiento de uni贸n, paz y felicidad que nos embarga en est谩s festividades, yo ya disfruto de mi arbolito en mis tonos favoritos y de los m谩s valioso que tengo en la vida que en mi familia. Felices fiestas.

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