[EN-ES] Coconut water đŸ„„Agua de coco


Coconut water is something that has always fascinated me since I was a little girl, and the way things are going, I think it will continue to do so until I'm an old lady. Many times it is difficult to acquire a coconut, either because the place where I live is very urbanized and you are not going to find a bush that has them. And when a plant finally appears, then the problem is to get it down. Maybe you think it is something simple but the truth is that it becomes quite difficult and not only difficult, but also dangerous. On my day off, we went to the farm of one of my partner's friends and luckily, there were many coconut trees there and he did us the favor of felling some of them and peeling them. Anyway I was able to fulfill the whim so to speak and enjoy the delicious coconut water.

El agua de coco es algo que siempre me ha fascinado desde pequeña, segĂșn cĂłmo va la cosa creo que lo seguirĂĄ siendo hasta que sea una anciana. Muchas veces es difĂ­cil adquirir un coco, ya sea porque el lugar donde vivo estĂĄ muy urbanizado y no vas a encontrar alguna mata que los tenga. Y cuando por fin aparece alguna planta, entonces el problema es lograr tumbarlo. QuizĂĄs piensen que es algo sencillo pero la verdad es que se torna bastante difĂ­cil y no solo difĂ­cil, tambiĂ©n peligroso. En mi dĂ­a de descanso fuimos a la finca de uno de los amigos de mi pareja y por suerte, allĂ­ si habĂ­an muchas matas de coco y Ă©l nos hizo el favor de tumbarnos algunos y de paso pelarlos. Como sea pude cumplir el capricho por asĂ­ decirlo y disfrutar de la deliciosa agua de coco.

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