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Vamos a Gualeguaychu! [ESP-ENG]


Buenas a todos!!!. Deseo que tengan una excelente jornada!

Este viaje comenzo de la nada como la mayoria de mis viajes. Mi amiga Soledad (la chica de la izquierda en la primera foto) estaba queriendo pasar el carnaval en la ciudad de Gualeguaychu en la provincia de Entre Rios. Y por ese motivo es que comenzo a planear un viaje. Se ocupo absolutamente de todo, tanto del hospedaje, los precios, la estadia, el carnaval, los invitados, etc.

Llego el dia o mejor dicho, la noche, y empezo nuestra aventura. En mi auto fuimos nosotros tres (Sole, Natalia y Yo), mientras que en el otro auto de German iban el mas Fabrizio y Ramiro. Luego de mas de 4 horas de viaje hacia la ciudad Entrerriana, por fin llegamos.

Apenas llegamos, desempacamos todo, almorzamos, fuimos a dar una vuelta a la ciudad y volvimos para cambiarnos y ahi si disfrutar de nuestra primera salida. Aqui teniamos un problema. Todos queriamos tomar algo de cerveza, pero nadie queria manejar!. Asi que decidimos ir todos juntos en mi auto al principio, para luego darle las llaves de mi auto a Natalia ya que ella no toma alcohol. De esa manera todos estabamos mas tranquilos y podiamos beber sin problema o preocupaciones.

Siempre es bueno prevenir acciones que luego pueden arruinar nuestro viaje! 😉

Good morning everyone!!!. I hope you have a great day!

This trip started from nowhere like most of my trips. My friend Soledad (the girl on the left in the first photo) was wanting to spend the carnival in the city of Gualeguaychu in the province of Entre Rios. And that is why I started planning a trip. He took care of absolutely everything, including accommodation, prices, the stay, the carnival, the guests, etc.

The day or rather, the night arrived, and our adventure began. In my car it was the three of us (Sole, Natalia and Me), while in German's other car were Fabrizio and Ramiro. After more than 4 hours of travel to the Entre Ríos city, we finally arrived.

As soon as we arrived, we unpacked everything, had lunch, went for a walk around the city and came back to change and then enjoy our first outing. Here we had a problem. We all wanted to have some beer, but no one wanted to drive! So we decided to all go together in my car at first, and then give the keys to my car to Natalia since she doesn't drink alcohol. That way we were all calmer and could drink without problems or worries.

It is always good to prevent actions that can later ruin our trip! 😉