Levitation Style with Couple

405opf1rl1i3wdd9_02. Liketu (2).JPG
3 Live Trials succeed.
405opf2hl1i3mhqz_02. Liketu (1).JPG
3 Live Trials succeed.
405opf1rl1i3ma23_02. Liketu (3).JPG
5 Live Trials succeed.

Today I come to share some more from the collection of levitation photos. As I've said before to share a few more here about Levitation Photography. 2 of them were the previous model, and added a few more to the model in my place.

I added a female model here to be able to tell this result in an image. I said there to show a couple in a loose style, but my model with a different initiative can make for a great image too.

Love the results, plus the models are also passionate about taking pictures. Moreover, they were exhausted because they had to try several times to be able to catch it properly. Like I said in a previous post that I did it without any edits and it was purely a jump that resulted in an image like this.

I am very grateful to them for everything, because they wanted to do a good job in taking this picture. Hope you all like it too.

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