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Sharing among Engineers -Compartiendo entre ingenieros


Hi everyone! Today after university, I went to eat Pasticho with my friends, I really enjoyed it a lot, we talked a lot, the Pasticho was divine and we cleared our minds, laughing, after a long day of classes. The girls, one is studying Industrial Engineering, the other Systems Engineering (like me, but she is in her first semester) and the boy is studying Mechanical Maintenance Engineering, pure young people who ✨ solve🤭✨.

We are finishing classes, to start the new cycle in April, and we are planning this outing, as we will be very busy the week we will be busy and there are only 2 weeks left of evaluations. We bought 2 Pasticho, split it, as they were big, and a soft drink. While we were waiting for our food, we talked, laughed and caught up with things from the university. It's nice to have friends from different engineering backgrounds, I learn a lot, and I also learn a lot from guys from my career.

¡Hola a Todos! Hoy luego de la universidad, fui a comer Pasticho con mis amigos, de verdad lo disfruté bastante, hablamos mucho, el Pasticho estaba divino y despejamos nuestra mente, riéndonos, luego de un día largo de clases. Las chicas, una estudia Ingeniería Industrial, la otra Ingeniería de Sistemas (como yo, pero ella está cursando el primer semestre) y el chico estudia Ingeniería de Mantenimiento Mecánico, puros jóvenes que ✨ resuelven🤭✨

Estamos terminando las clases, para luego empezar el nuevo ciclo en abril, y planeamos esta salida, ya que la semana que estaremos muy ocupados y solo faltan 2 semanas de evaluaciones. Compramos 2 Pasticho, lo dividimos, ya que eran grandecitos y un refresco. Mientras esperábamos nuestra comida, hablamos, reímos y nos pusimos al día con cosas de la universidad. Es lindo tener amistades de distintas Ingenierías, aprendo muchísimo, e igualmente aprendo demasiado de chicos de mi carrera.