Street Art in and around Chiang Rai Bus Terminal.


A couple of weeks back I was in the city of Chiang Rai, Thailand a city with a lot of old culture still been carried on I loved walking through this a city that hasn't been spoiled and turned into a concrete jungle you could walk around this city and it felt like you were walking into the pass back to the early 18th century all the old Thai wooden houses were still standing the street shops were still looking like the old barbershops and candy stores the people were so friendly and polite I couldn't believe places like this still existed was so nice to be there.

One thing that really amazed me was how dedicated they were in showing there culture all around the city they had some really professional street art graffiti everywhere you looked but the most impressive ones were when I when to the Chiang Rai bus terminal this place was bursting out with street art graffiti both inside and outside this huge bus terminal I couldn't believe my eyes I was in awe in how nice and professionally these individual pieces of street art were done I mean they were precise in every detail showing the Chiang Rai Thai people's culture I almost missed my bus cause I was so glued looking at this art work I couldn't get my eyes of it, never have I seen such amazing colorful detailed art work like this, was just spectacular as you can see for yourself.

I thank @digi-me for giving me the opportunity to present this beautiful street art work in this CCC's Street Art Contest #86.

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