Good tapas! I missed tortilla de patatas!


Make room for nice tapas!

After we had a somewhat failed first experience eating tapas the first afternoon we were in Spain, we discovered that the neighbors have better tapas. At least, I saw the locals enjoy the other tapas as well, but they were just not for us. These tapas are more up our sleeves. As soon as I saw they had tortilla de patatas, I decided to order that one. I remember our host in Spain showing us how to make it and I (as a potato and egg lover) was sold immediately! Now, I have tried to bake this myself a few times which was fine, but the other two in the house aren't huge fans, so it's actually way too much for me alone. Whenever I can order them as a tapa, that's a win! This one was pretty big too so when my daughter left half of hers as well as I ate mine, I was more than content and could not eat another bite haha.

Chicken tapa

The other tapa was something with chicken, which we both forgot the name from, lol. It was something different than expected but it tasted quite well according to my boyfriend. He liked it and I will probably try this one another time myself.

This is pretty sweet, having neighbors serving nice tapas. Cheers to cheap lunches!

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