Monumento a la Bandera, Rosaro, Santa Fe, Argentina


The city of Rosario was marked by a historical event whose relevance transcended the local sphere, marking a milestone in national history: the raising of the National Flag created by Manuel Belgrano, over the ravines of the Paraná River on February 27, 1872.

This important event was the pride of the entire population of Rosario who struggled to erect a monument to commemorate that episode.
Today, Rosario has the responsibility of showing the world the National Flag Monument, the only one of its kind, nestled in the historic Paraná ravines, those that saw the birth of the colors of the Nation.

Being in the city, that monument of which we only had a “fresh” image through the ten-peso bills was an obligatory stop.
A partly cloudy day welcomed us on a wintry morning in Rosario.

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