summer macros #336

Digitális purpúrea -- beautiful creation, but toxic plant.
Two snails threaten the strawberries we grow. If you thought that I colored the strawberries in Photoshop - no, that is not the case, the yellow color is the natural color of this unusual variety.
Thanks god -- these creatures did not visit our garden, I captured this at a sufficient distance. Poor tree, as far as I noticed, they skinned it for 95% ...
A close-up cropped version of the photo below.
Very ephemerical butterfly.
A small but very beautiful bug - a shining jewel. Have no idea what specie it could be; not a weevil, tho.
Fount this caterpillar in my garden. Happily, it was not ruining our berries or apple trees.

My post goes for Deranged Photography Contest -- the week's topic was Wildlife, so I could not pass by in silence. According to the contest rules, I declare my level: PRO.

I selected 6 macro photos to show you today -- all are fresh captures from this summer, I took at my garden. Half of them has pests in it. Coincidence? not sure of that, haha.

A little clarification to anticipate possible questions: the photo of a predatory black caterpillars herd decimating greenery was taken _outside_ of my garden, so our plants did not suffer... We actually grow not much stuff in our garden: just some berries and apples, and a mint... and some iris flowers... so when I find a snail or a caterpillar,

I rejoice at it and grab the camera -- otherwise, I would grab not a camera, but a fly swatter! By the way, if anyone knows ID of these black caterpillars, I am curious to know who was grazing before my eyes, and what beauty can hatch from them...

location: Vyritza, Russia July 2022 natural light
camera/lens: Canon 5D Sigma 150mm raw-conv

Thanks for walking with me, see you next time.


All images taken by me, copyright (c) @qwerrie
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