Landscape Photography: admiring the Czech Grand Caynon

Hey there my Hive friends and followers!

It has been extremely hot here in the Czech Republic lately (it was 38 C yesterday!) so going out is not an option for me these days but on the other hand, it gives me some extra time to work on my posts and I´m happy to roll out one for you today :)

A couple of days ago, when the weather was still quite bearable, we went for a day trip to the famous Karlstejn Castle, which is just a short train ride from Prague. The castle is really beautiful and you can definitely expect a post about it here on my blog soon but this time, we will take a look at another famous landmark of that area and that´s a stunning natural site often referred to as the Czech Grand Caynon.

There are several flooded limestone quarries located within a range of just a few kilometers from the castle so when visiting Karlstejn, many people go hiking to the quarries as well. Since my fiancee is pregnant, we didn´t want to get exhausted too much and thus went for just one of the quarries - the biggest one that´s called "Velka Amerika" in Czech, which would translate as "Big America" in English.

The quarry is really huge - it´s almost 800 m long, 200 m wide and up to 100 m deep. The quarry got abandoned and flooded in the 1960s and it has been attracting all kinds adventurers since then. Hikers, tramps, climbers, divers, swimmers, speleologists and other outdoor enthusiasts were exploring the quarry for decades but unfortunately, not all of them were careful and responsible enough. Over the years, the quarry has claimed many casualties (mostly drownings and deadly falls) so eventually, the local authorities had to close it down for the public. These days, you can only admire the beauty of this fascinating place from the fenced paths and barred viewpoints located on the edges of the crater.

That´s exactly what we did and here are some pictures that I took up there :)







I hope you enjoyed those images. The Velka Amerika Quarry is a really nice place but it´s important to respect the treacherous nature of it. I mean there are now fences and iron bars all around the edges but there is nobody to watch and supervise the visitors to make sure they don´t climb over the safety barriers. So if you visit the quarry, please be responsible and stay only where it´s allowed. Thank you.

To find out the exact location of the Velka Amerika Quarry, feel free to check out the Pinmapple, I pinned it there ;)

This post was created by me for the Hive blockchain exclusively. All rights reserved.


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