Trek to the top of Homonhon | Eastern Samar, Philippines


We've been all over Homonhon Island in recent weeks. In my last post, I narrated how Ate Pilar scammed us when she invited us to the waterfalls near the village but it turned out it's just a small stream bombarded with a lot of mosquitoes in the afternoon. 😟

We were a bit dismayed to find out the other side of Handig is a rocky beach and its properties were the extreme opposite that of Handig Beach. We didn't have enough reason to stay longer or explore further the southern side of the village. In fact, our dismay told us to walk towards Handig Beach. That's when we explored the rock formations and had a sumptuous dinner served below Jelo's hut. After freshening up, we played a game before we fell asleep in our respective rooms.

Initially, there were no other plans the following day. We thought our only viable option was beach bumming the entire morning before our call time back to the town of Guiuan. But Kim and Ate Pilar were the kindest hosts. They suggested another possible destination that we should check out early in the morning. The only thing that almost stopped me from agreeing to this trip is the super early call time. I am not a morning person and I would've wanted to sleep longer than morning but there's no turning!

The reason we need to start early was we climbed the highest point in the northern part of Homonhon Island which has barely any trees for shade. It could get tremendously hot there that's why we started early and didn't stay long on the top. It was an easy climb that rewarded us with a view of the Gulf of Leyte and the Pacific Ocean. Kuya Kim led us there and even took amazing photos of us. He's indeed a superhost! We descended, had our breakfast, and enjoyed the beach one last time. Before noon, we departed from Handig Beach.

Can't believe we're done virtually exploring Homonhon Island! It has been a fascinating trip with lots of surprises along the way. Couldn't wait to bring you to the rest of the destinations we've been to in Eastern Samar! 😁❤

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