I Am quitting Hive For Good And I'm Happy About It


I'm quitting Hive

I will make it brief so you don't have to read an entire book to know my reasons for quitting, so let me get started already.

I joined hive not long ago and I was so excited to be part of a great unique people that will accept me and take me has a family but you wanna know what I got?

Oh sorry where are my manners, Good evening to everyone all round the world from hive and this community.

what happened?

what happened is that I am a wife, a mother and a business woman that love writing and sharing brief but interesting story about anything at all, but when I joined hive, I was so much excited that I was among people that have the same passion with me but something was wrong, I was too busy with work, and family that I don't check up on my family here on hive which makes them not notice my present anymore anytime I'm around I guess.

I have tried so hard to keep up but I always fall and so I don't get the attention I need because I myself don't give attention and I don't engage often, so should I quit hive blog?


I just Wish to get more engage and make lots of post even if it's twice a week. it's better to be engaged twice a week than not engaging at all right!?
so I'm not living Hive
I am not quitting hive
I challenge myself to keep pushing
making memories are always sweet, and so let's keep making memories.

I love you all hivers

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