Today was a rainy day, can you feel the cold and wet?

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Today it has been raining in my city and as you can imagine, that puts me in a difficult situation to take my pictures, my camera is not weather sealed, so I could ruin it if I'm not careful, but as I always like to take risks I went out to the street to look for something that I like.

I must be honest to say that the first picture is one that I have planned for a long time, the truth is that I have been waiting for the right time to take the picture, I thought of a sunset with a cloudy sky, but for my bad luck the situation has not occurred, I also thought about taking the picture at night with the fog, but I have not had the opportunity to go and take the picture, today with the rain I thought it would be worth it, the problem is that just when I arrived the rain became intense and it didn't make sense to stay and wait for the lights to come on, that's the only thing I didn't like.

I took the other three pictures when I went to buy some ice cream, I know, fucking cold and I wanted to eat ice cream haha, but I'm that kind of person, they are pictures of a street situation, candid photography just the way I like it.

Finally I want you to see my color palette, as you can see all the colors are on the cold side of the color wheel, because that is what I wanted to show, the day was cold and wet, so the pictures had to show it, to have a similar result in all the pictures I created a new preset in Lighroom, and as each picture had different parameters I made some minor adjustments to have the same result.

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