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Lugares para recordar


Lugares para recordar, son estos que en algùn tiempo, lugar despuès que nos permitìan salir de las casas nos quedaba era recorres espacios que quizàs pasabamos todos los dìas por allì hasta que decidimos guardar un registro fotogràfico de ese sitio y dejar plasmada esas flores tan hermosas que no encontrè a quien preguntar por su nombre. Muy bellas. Ese color tan lindo màs la forma como se alinean para brindar su belleza.

Places to remember, are these that at some time, after we were allowed to leave the houses, we had to go through spaces that perhaps we passed there every day until we decided to keep a photographic record of that place and leave those beautiful flowers captured I didn't find anyone to ask for their name, Very beautiful. That beautiful color plus the way they line up to provide their beauty.

Translator DeepL
