Reto personal logrado ✅ | Personal challenge achieved ✅


Saludos cordiales amigos de @liketu, hoy sólo quiero citar una frase que vi hace unos días, “Todas las personas que tienen éxito comienzan fijándose una meta.” es de Joseph Murphy.

La relaciono con mi entrada de hoy ya que como sabrán (si me han leido anteriormente) desde que inicié con los saltos de cuerda o comba como le dicen en algunos paises, mi meta fué llegar a los 2000 saltos y no bajar de alli en mis rutinas diarias.. hoy ¡LO LOGRE! ⁷

Creo que si hubiese empezado a saltar sin llevar un control y tener objetivos diarios y un objetivo final, no lo hubiese logrado, sencillamente hubiese saltado hasta donde aguantaba y listo, mañana es otro dia.. sin embargo, no fué asi, me esforcé diariamente por llegar a donde debia, desde donde pude en un principio (500 saltos) hasta donde yo quise llegar (2000 saltos) porque así lo dispuse y debia respetarlo.

Así que hoy celebro mi éxito y me preparo para respetar mi reto personal, para no bajar la guardia, para seguir y no parar... Mantener, ese ahora es mi reto, mantener los 2000 saltos, mantener la actividad fisica, mantener el enfoque, mantener las ganas. 💪🏼

Gracias por leerme, sueña en grande y no pares hasta alcanzarlo. ✨


Warm greetings @liketu friends, today I just want to quote a phrase I saw a few days ago, "All successful people start by setting a goal." it's by Joseph Murphy.

I relate it to my post today because as you may know (if you have read me before) since I started jumping rope or skipping rope as they say in some countries, my goal was to reach 2000 jumps and not go below that in my daily routines.. today I ACHIEVED IT! ⁷.

I think that if I had started jumping without keeping track and having daily goals and a final goal, I would not have achieved it, I would have simply jumped as far as I could and that's it, tomorrow is another day... however, it was not like that, I made a daily effort to get to where I should, from where I could in the beginning (500 jumps) to where I wanted to get (2000 jumps) because that's what I wanted and I had to respect it.

So today I celebrate my success and I prepare myself to respect my personal challenge, to not lower my guard, to continue and not stop.... To maintain, that is now my challenge, to maintain the 2000 jumps, to maintain the physical activity, to maintain the focus, to maintain the desire. 💪🏼

Thanks for reading me, dream big and don't stop until you reach it. ✨

Las fotos fueron tomadas desde mi Redmi Note 8 - La edición de la foto principal fué realizada en InShot App - La traducción es de - La app que uso para contar mis saltos es Jump Rope Training Counter

The photos were taken from my Redmi Note 8 - The editing of the main photo was done in InShot App - The translation is by - The app I use to count my jumps is Jump Rope Training Counter

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