Continúa, el sol sale para todos ☀️ | Continued, the sun rises for all ☀️


Queridos amigos de @liketu hoy un día más, con mi meta diaria cumplida, con un mejor tiempo que ayer, sin embargo, inicié el día desmotivada, tuve dosis de "tienes 15 dias saltando y no veo que haya ningun cambio", en un principio dije "bueno en algun momento se veran esos resultados, es muy pronto". Luego al despertar y reflexionar al respecto me dije, que no te afecte nada negativo que te digan, tú continúa, quiza otros no ven resultados, pero yo si los veo y los siento, pasar de 500 saltos (sufriendo) a 1700 saltos que si, cansan, pero no los sufro tanto como esos 500 cuando inicié, quiere decir que si, efectivamente hay resultados, hay mas resistencia, hay enfoque, hay disciplina y sobre todo hay ganas de seguir.

Lo importante es no permitir que comentarios negativos te apaguen, que tu sol de cada dia nunca deje de brillar.


Dear friends of @liketu today another day, with my daily goal accomplished, with a better time than yesterday, however, I started the day unmotivated, I had a dose of "you have 15 days jumping and I do not see any change", at first I said "well at some point you will see those results, it is too soon". Then when I woke up and thought about it I said to myself, don't let anything negative affect you, you continue, maybe others don't see results, but I do see them and I feel them, going from 500 jumps (suffering) to 1700 jumps that yes, they are tiring, but I don't suffer as much as those 500 when I started, it means that yes, there are indeed results, there is more resistance, there is focus, there is discipline and above all there is desire to continue.

The important thing is not to let negative comments turn you off, that your daily sun never stops shining.

The photos were taken from my Redmi Note 8, the app I use to count my jumps is Jump Rope Training Counter | Las fotos fueron tomadas desde mi Redmi Note 8, la app que uso para contar mis saltos es Jump Rope Training Counter

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