Index4INDEX Card 358: Barbara Corcoran 3

Stop comparing yourself to everyone else around you.

-- Barbara Corcoran

For more about Barbara Corcoran, keep reading....


About the Quote

Comparing oneself to others is a losing proposition. Even if we're superior to someone or to some group of people in every way, what merit is there in making such a comparison.

Comparing ourselves to people who "have it all" is asking for trouble because leads to envy. We don't know how those people got what htye got. If you've been on any kind of social media for any amount of time, then you know how true this is.

Comparing oneself to someone else in a similar place to us makes sense if only for reference. Even then, we don't know what talents or abilities that person has which can make this comparison useless sooner or later.

The only comparison we should be making is between ourselves right now and ourselves from yesterday. We will have our ups and downs, but the trend should be going in the right direction if we do things right.


Some (More) Information about Barbara Corcoran

During an interview on the podcast "Chicks in the Office" earlier in 2023, Barbara Corcoran revealed that she was fired from her iconic program Shark Tank before the first episode was even produced.

She explained that as soon as she was informed of the opportunity to be one of the Sharks on the program she signed her contract and mailed back it immediately. This opportunity opened up for her while she was working as a contributor on NBCs The Today Show.

Almost as soon as she signed that contract, she was telling friends and family that she was going to be part of Shark Tank. Two weeks after this strokeof good fortune, she was informed that she had been fired and replaced by another woman.

Being on Shark Tank-- in 2009-- was a big deal for her, and history would prove her to be correct. Although she was down on herself and felt sorry for herself initially, she refused to take "No" for an answer. Once she stood up again after taking this knock down by life, she sent an e-mail message explaining that firing her was a mistake because most of her major successes in life came after being fired or rejected. He message listed many such accomplishments. Barbara Corcoran even suggested to the producers that they test not only her but her replacement to see who tested better. Barbara Corcoran will return to Shark Tank in 2023 for her 15th season.

-- Source


Post Details

  • Index4INDEX image made by @magnacarta using MS Paint.
  • Quotes I use for Index4INDEX are stored in an Excel 2007 spreadsheet. Recently I added database functionality for limited searching.


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