Index4INDEX Card 174: Robin Sharma 1

Ideation without execution is delusion.

-- Robin Sharma

About the Quote

Each of us is filled with world-changing ideas and history-making inventions. None mean a thing if they stay in our minds, never to be vocalized and never to be shared with others.

Ideas need to be brought forth into the physical world where they become manifest for the rest of us. Once they enter the world in their seed form, they are nurtured and molded until they take on the form they are intended to take-- or at least take on a form which yields results.

As wonderful as ideas, and plans related to them are, that's all they are. Ideas need to be realized if they are to have any meaning.

(Some Information) about Robin Sharma

While researching the biography for Robin Sharma, I encountered conflicting information. According to some sources, he was born in Uganda (no city given), and according to others he was born in Nova Scotia, Canada. Some sources state he was born in 1965, and some sources state he was born in 1964. However, in all sources I checked the names of his parents are the same. For the purposes of Index4INDEX, his early history is TBD.

Robin Sharma had a normal life as a young man living in Port Hawkesbury on Cape Breton Island in Nova Scotia, Canada. After high school and college, he would graduate from the Schulich School of Law at the Dalhousie University to become a litigator.

By most measures, Sharma was successful at a young age. Except by his own measure. Although he had accomplished much, he didn't feel fulfilled. He knew he was meant for more in life, and he switched up his life to make that happen.

Sharma kept his day job litigation lawyer. In his spare time he worked on his first book. When he was done in 1994, Sharma self-published this book by printing copies of it at the local Kinko's copy shop. This book was titled Megaliving!, and it was written to be a blueprint for people who wanted to cultivate personal excellence, to live successfully, and to create a perfect life.

-- Source

Post Details

  • Index4INDEX image made by @magnacarta using MS Paint.
  • Quotes I use for Index4INDEX are stored in an Excel 2003 spreadsheet that's currently just a table. Eventually I will make this spreadsheet searchable.

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