The First Days of Felix Felicis, our Dwarf Rabbit


Hello everyone!

My last post with photos of Felix Felicis, my Dwarf Hotot rabbit, got quite the audience! Who could even imagine that a cute small bunny would be a success? 😂

Felix is already an adult with his 4 years old. But let's take a look at some photos when he was just a small baby?

The first photo is him laying down in my belly, and it's literally his first picture ever: we had just brought him from the adoption center. He was just a small scared baby and weighted less than 400 grams!!!

The second and third pics are also on his first days at home, chilling in front of the TV stand. He was already just a bit bigger than the first pic, as he started eating good-quality pellets and vegetables!

In the fourth picture, we were bonding with him by giving him treats while also trying to teach him some tricks (jumping on the box and stand up). The whole trick stuff didn't worked out really well as he just wanted to eat the treats, but nonetheless it was fun <3

Thanks for reading, and see you next time!!

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