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Vortexes of Fume


Hi friends, how's your day going on?

My day is a bit creative so far as I keep experimenting with captures from my studio photo project about hard light and artificial smoke ;)
I apply different editing styles and today I picked some new photographs with coloring the shadows and highlights with new colors.

I think I'd love to see some of those on paper, able to be touched. Probably hanged on the walls as well. :)

I hope you like those and find in them something appealing for you! :)

Thank you for your time and support, please check out below few other ways to encourage me in my difficult visual art endeavor and stay in touch!

You could get a license here for some of my visual works approved by the quality review team of Adobe, Inc.:

I use and recommend those services below, following my referral links is a win-win for both you and me:

Copyright: Light Captured
For licensing my photos, please drop me a message on Discord: lightcaptured#2698

Have a great day, stay safe, stay strong and let your muse be always on your shoulder!