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As the flowers bloomed and the sun shone brightly, I could say, Hello, summer.


As winter was almost over in some countries and spring was saying Hello, summer was waving here in mine. I realized this while I was walking going home the other day. The air breeze feels hots, and even the ground. That made me a mental note that I should re-arrange my clothes, take summer outfits, and put all the pants, long sleeves, and thick cloth behind. I could imagine myself sweating!
Another sign that summer was almost here was flowers like bougainvilleas starting to bloom. Though it seems like a whole year-round flower, I usually noticed that it was more vibrant in summer. I took these photos near our office.
This initiative of the local government planting this thorny vine along the alley was brilliant. Now, it doesn't look empty. Lights were even added to make it more colorful at night.

And hey, did you see the mighty sun? Months ago, I could barely feel its rays—the heat. Bringing the umbrella was outside my vocabulary. Was I leaving home as early as past six in the morning and going home at almost the same number at night? It was already twilight.
NOW? it was still shining! Yes, almost sitting down, but by looking at it, you know instantly that it was a sunny day a while ago!
That orangey color of the sky says so.

Speaking of summer, we are almost normal, back to normal, and no travel restrictions. Do any plans for summer, like a beach party, or swimming? I know you had, but for the three years of restrictions, do you still have those body goals? If not, you still have a month to achieve that beach body.

Have a great day!

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