Good day 💫❤️

[ENG] 🇺🇲

Hello friends, yesterday I went out with my friends and then we decided to do karaoke at home, I really had a lot of fun, first time I've seen a sunrise in Bogotá since we didn't sleep until 6 Am.

Right now I feel tired but I wanted to write to you what an incredible time I had yesterday, these are the moments I want to keep in my mind.


[ESP] 🇪🇦

Hola amigos ayer salí con mis amigos y después decidimos hacer karaoke en casa, realmente me divertí mucho, primera vez que veo un amanecer en Bogotá ya que no dormimos hasta las 6 Am.

En estos momentos me siento cansada pero quise escribirles lo increíble que la pasé ayer, estos son los momentos que quiero tener en mi mente.

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