art imitating real life (or real life imitating art?)🎨


"Life is a copy of a copy of reality."

"Life is a copy of reality."

If you're a fan of Aristotle and Plato you would know who said which.

As a literature major we have discussed topics various theories interpreting literary pieces, one of these theories is the ever common mimetic theory. This theory posits that we can look at a certain literary work based on how it copies real life - how it is a mimesis.

In the simplest way of explaining it: art is a copy of life. This of it this way: ccording to this theory everything that encompass literature (in the broadest sense) is a mimesis of what is happening in real life.

I am talking about this with you dear friends, is because whenever I see a piece of art - whether you can see it, smell, touch, hear, taste or experience - I think back of how they are trying to mimic life as it is.

For instance this beautiful artwork of women on that wall behind me. Artists have real-life inspirations as they have created this piece of street art. It is just cool thinking about it, you know.

What do I think about this street-art? EMPOWERING AND BOLD. 💥 I love how feminism is not scorned upon in today's generation. Instead, women and girls and ladies are celebrated. And I am so proud of how we have come this far as a society. I am grateful for all the women who have come before us - the generations of amazing line of women - who made it possible for this to happen. 🙇

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