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Artistic photoshoot for pole dance instructor


Hello friends good morning I hope you are super well and have a great weekend, today came to Liketu for the first time attracted by people I follow and after seeing many post here I am, I want to start showing in this first time a super amazing photo shoot that I love to do recently to a Pole Dance instructor, she is Valeria, so is called this super artist which I really admire a lot, she and I follow each other on instagram for quite some time because she opened her first and the only Pole Dance academy in my city at the moment, is known for that and also for being the only one, as I said we follow each other for quite some time but we had not met in person, well, we knew each other because now we do, this happened because one of my close friends is in the academy and if she is a good friend of Valeria, they were talking because Valeria's birthday was approaching, she decided to give her a session and who else if not me, she told me and I agreed to do it and well, we were planning the day to do the photos at the academy which I thought it was great because I knew it would be something different and cool, The schedule was in the morning but I arrived almost at noon because of an inconvenience I had with my car but everything went very well because they were also delayed in the hair and makeup, in the end everything happened at the time it was supposed to happen and well, the results were too great and we are happy with them.

Honestly I must admit that especially these pictures I find amazing, one of my favorites and I could say that it was one of "the easiest" according to Valeria talking about her structured poses, and I'm quoting her words when I write it, that seems impossible and imagine how amazing she is, really doing these photos was a new experience and it literally is friends because I had never done this kind of photos before and it was super cool to do it and as Valeria also liked this job a lot she told me that I would be her regular photographer which for me is amazing and with all the pleasure that yes because I reiterate, I was super fascinated with this new work experience.

And well friends, apart from that I love these pictures too much and as always I hope you can like them as much as I do, if so, leave me a comment to know, I would like that very much and I will be attentive to it, too bad I have to say goodbye without showing you the behind the camera of how we did these pictures, better said, of when we did them so you can see how it was and not what are the before and after, I really wanted to make a super cool grayscale in the edition but I realized that the limit of photographs are 10, it's time to adapt friends hahaha, well friends in the end the result fascinated me and I never get tired of saying it, and now without further ado I send you a lot of good virtual vibes and I hope you have a great weekend, until next time friends, be well and thanks for watching and reading.