Money can't buy the happiness


Good morning liketu!

After our motorcade we've decided to have an early lunch at Jollibee along with my batchmates. Some of them don't have breakfast and the three of them just arrived from Davao city. They just travelled to attend our homecoming alumni. The happiness they had is very priceless upon seeing us.

Apparently some of them just attended for the first time. They can't believed that they can attend this kind of event for how many years. Been busy with their lives along with their families. I'm the one convincing them to attend if the date is not complicated.

Money can't buy the happiness for 1 day as what they've said to me. They thanking me many many times for organizing our batch '99. Some of my batchmates also is full of shyness, full of alibi's. For the past few weeks chatting to them is kind of stress that I ignore it. Patience is the key again lol.

We enjoyed our lunch and thanks to our sponsors. My classmates actually from Davao City. They always shared their blessings once they attended an alumni and reunion. It's another memories that we can treasured again for the bonding that we had for 1 day.

That's all for todays blog and thanks for dropping by. Love you all🤗!

October 4,2023
7:35 am

The fighter mom,

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